I actually wrote another post for today, but, changed my mind about sharing that post this week. Instead, I wanted to talk about something that I’ve noticed.
The Law of Attraction is illustrated over and over again when observing one year in the life of a personal finance blogger. This summer a number of #pf bloggers that I enjoy reading have paid off all of their debt, changed jobs, travelled abroad, gotten married, and started working for themselves.
The Law of Attraction-Nook Book.
I would define the Law of Attraction as the process of attracting the energy that you send out to “the world.” I am not smoking the ganja. I’m being serious! I believe that PF bloggers experience greater levels of success not only because they are hard workers, but because every single thing that they do is aligned with their vision of how they want their life to be.
I’m not suggesting that there is a magical energy that makes everything happen for these bloggers. I am suggesting that every single thing that these successful PF bloggers do: think about debt, think about paying off debt, save money, find new ways to make money, talk about/write about money, dream, and engage in activities that are aligned with their end goals, in the end creates success.
Michelle of Making Sense of Cents, Cait from Blonde on a a Budget, Bridget from Money after Graduation, Umm-The American Debt Project (what is her name??)-and I think I’m missing a few people, all have become debt free this summer. They may have had different approaches but they all ended up with the same result. They are now debt free.
When I think about the years where I was treading water with basically everything in my life, I am aware that the way I thought about my situation really affected my ability to be successful in reaching my goals.
If you are telling yourself the following: I don’t think I can, the economy is bad, it’s not possible to achieve this goal, and whatever other negative sh$t that you like to tell yourself when no one else is around-just be aware that for every time you say these things out loud, you will repeat the same thing in your mind at least 15 times. That day (my unofficial scientific opinion). Do you think that with all of the focus, work, and blogging that the bloggers above were doing that there was room for negative thoughts? No. No way.
Be careful of what you tell yourself, you will believe yourself. Why would you lie about your own abilities to achieve something? So, I encourage you to do the following:
Create a mantra.
Create a saying, or a number of sayings for different parts of your life. Repeat that mantra all day long. Don’t do it out loud with people around, you might scare them.
Let’s practice. My mantra will be: “I imagine myself debt free, healthy, happy, dating a wonderful man and achieving all of my financial and personal goals by January 31, 2014” This is not what my actual mantra is, but it’s similar in spirit.
Now, you create one. Good.
Say it out loud since you’re probably by yourself. Say it again. Say it with feeling. Write it on paper. Write again. Make a collage with it. Become obsessed with your mantra. Let it fill your mind and keep saying it so that you can keep the negative thoughts from invading your mind.
Look at your goals. Think about your life. Now, focus on your mantra. Let’s attract your dreams. Check in with me in 6 months and let me know how things are going.
Good luck.
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ha ha my post yesterday had a somewhat similar theme, that what you focus on is what starts to manifest. It makes total sense from both a metaphysical…or even practical standpoint that if you are focusing on what you want to achieve, you’re more likely to make it happen!
Great minds think alike Tonya!!! I am also reading a book that really talks about what you manifest. I’ll email you the name later. I have a couple of projects that I’m working on that I have to really focus on. Will tell you later! But, I am making some progress on the finance front.
I love this. I have been thinking I need to do more of this. I need to practice first with my blog and try to imagine it as succesful. If only to make me feel better about where things are headed
I am really working on sending out positive energy, setting an intention, and really believing that the goals that I’ve set for myself will happen. I have focused and believed before and the goals/good things that I want for myself happened! Of course, I also was working hard, focusing, and using concentrated effort to reach my goals. I am totally convinced that the Law of Attraction works.
Love this! To be honest, I used to think this was a bunch of hooey. Then I was really depressed, and nothing was really working and I thought, ‘well, positive thinking won’t do me any harm, so why not try?’. And my mental state has been so much better and so has my success! I realize now your thought process and mentality really does create much of your world. I still feel overwhelmed and not good enough at times. I say to myself, ‘I am amazing. I deserve this. I will be debt free. I am resourcesful. I have everything I need. I can accomplish anything’. Haha hopefully you don’t think I am too cheesy.
I just wrote about the Law of Attraction, so there is no way I will think that you’re cheesy! When I was a little girl my mom used to make me look in the mirror and repeat a mantra. I won’t say what it was, but her intention was for me to feel good about myself when so many images and life in general were sending me messages that would probably make me feel bad about myself. As a kid I really couldn’t figure out what the heck she was doing. As and adult I realize she was brilliant and on to something. I am really working on eliminating all of the negative thoughts that have taken root in my mind. It’s a process but I am seeing a difference in how I feel about myself and in how people respond to me. I am trying to move forward in life so I am trying to only focus on positive thoughts, actions that move me forward, and surrounding myself with people who are positive and intentional about being growing their best lives.
Yes! I am a huge believer in mindset. Positive thinking alone isn’t the all but pair it with action and it will drive you far.
It hasn’t been lost on me that pf bloggers seem to be successful at the goals that they set for themselves. Of course, they work their butts off, set goals, fail from time to time, sacrifice, and have support. If they don’t have support they have created supported by creating a community through their blogs.