A few weeks ago I wrote a post that shed light on my stockpile tendencies. No, I’m not a hoarder and actually am now embracing a level of minimalism that is quite shocking to those around me. I am, however, the product of a long line of people who’ve had to prepare for the worst and our worst was pretty bad.
I am finally done adding to my winter stockpile. For the purpose of this post I am specifically talking about: soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, Theraflu, dental floss, tooth brushes, shampoo, lotion, and perfume. I also picked up things to clean the house with: dishwashing liquid, scouring powder, and toilet paper.
By the way-my stockpile includes perfume.ย
A friend of mine (ok, more than one friend) thinks the inclusion of perfume…is a little unusual. Maybe even quirky. And I totally get it!
My stockpile is one of the legs to my emergency fund. I don’t just save money, I stockpile food as well as personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies in addition to saving money.ย I also pay certain bills ahead such as: internet, home insurance, electric, and my phone bill. In general, I try to keep my monthly expenses as low as humanly possible in the event that the sh$t hits the fan.ย
I focus a lot on toiletries because in the event that I lose my job, change my job, or work for myself I want to know that I can continue to groom myself in a way that gives me confidence. When I spritz on some perfume I feel like my grooming rituals are complete. If I have to look for work, meet new people, or put myself out there during a tough time at least I know that I will smell good, look good, and feel good about myself when I walk out the door. There is nothing worse than not only worrying about your bills, but also not being able to put your best foot forward.
My perfume is the equivalent of someone else’s trip to the stylist. At this point I don’t do the following:
- Go to the salon-I do my own hair
- Go to the nail technician-I only go when I’m on vacation
- I take the bus-for free, I get a pass from work
- I bring my lunches to work
- I rarely eat out.
My Stockpiles Are Works Of Art
I am now set for the next year-with the exception of toilet paper. I don’t have enough room to store all of the tp I would like to buy. I scout the local dollar store for good quality items such as: Dawn dish detergent, Pine Sol, Body Wash, Colgate, Dove, and Dial Soap. I have dental floss, new toothbrushes, lotion and vaseline (it’s dry in Colorado). Lip balm that I’ve received for free, Thera flu for when I get sick, shampoo and conditioner. When we get that next epic winter in Denver (and we are overdue for one) I will stay in my home, warm and cozy, fed and clean while I watch news coverage of people running around like crazy people expressing surprise that the weather turned.
Stockpiling is Fun!ย
I am by no means a Doomsday Prepper. In fact, I feel pretty good about life in general. I just think of my stockpiles in the same way that I think of cash. It’s there to add security, safety and sanity during tough times. I can give items away to friends or family members who might need something without affecting my personal situation. Or my stockpile.
Do You Stockpile? What Do You Consider Necessary? Do You Include Something Unusual In Your Stockpile?
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Sam says
Hiya Michelle, completely get the perfume thing once I has stopped and thought about it, got up and counted the three full sized bottles I have on the go and the five miniatures I ‘need’ as well. I would not be stuffed if things turned to custard because of perfume but it would be a grim day if I couldn’t buy the skincare that I love to. Hmmm, some thinking to be done there ๐
Michelle says
Haha Sam! You will always smell good. I just have to have my products. If I can’t groom myself the way I need to, I just won’t feel like myself! That’s not an option. It’s hard enough dealing with the world on a regular basis. It’s even worse if you don’t feel good about yourself.
kay ~ frugalvoices.com says
Oh boy, I can’t wait until we finally move so I can start stockpiling again! I started to here, but once we figured we would be selling the house, I had to stop. I think it’s extremely smart to stockpile. I’m a minimalist, too, so I know that sounds weird, but having a stockpile of necessities stored neatly is a very secure feeling. Love this post, Michelle! ๐
Michelle says
I have to be really creative with storage space because my place is so small. Now that my stockpile is done, I will save a lot of time because I don’t have to go shopping! If I lived in a bigger place I would have separate pantry for food stockpiles and one for product-that is my future dream. I just feel secure and ok having what I need and not having to freak out about getting stuff at the last minute. I hate that feeling. Especially with toilet paper-gross.
kay ~ frugalvoices.com says
Ha! Good point. This was the first week we got perilously close to running out of toilet paper. I was also out of kleenex. Then I’m trying to figure out what we’ll do if we run out! Fortunately it held out until Jay ran out and got some this morning. I know what you mean about space for stockpiling. On those Extreme Couponing shows it would show people turning their garages and basements into what looked like stores. That I would love! ๐
Michelle says
Toilet paper outages FREAK ME OUT!! Ewww. Can’t do it. Those extreme stockpiling shows are fascinating because there is obviously a point where the people get addicted to the process. That’s why I now am doing No Spend Months and intentionally using my stuff.
kay ~ frugalvoices.com says
Good idea. I know that I tend to be an extremist and I don’t want to go from “super minimalist” to “crazy hoarder lady down the street”. ๐
Michelle says
Laura / No More Spending says
I don’t have the room for a large stockpile anymore, but I am trying to get a good level of essential built up. I have toilet paper and washing powder sorted, just need to work on everything else!
Michelle says
The little place is tiny and doesn’t really have storage so I’m happy that I have the antique pie cooler! I wish had more room for toilet paper but I still have a decent supply.
journeytosaving says
You’re so organized, I love it! I also really like how you thought about what could happen so deeply. Perfume and personal care items are important. I sadly have a lot leftover from my days of shopping for beauty items and cosmetics, but at least I haven’t had to buy any in the last year or so!
Michelle says
No Sadly about it! That’s now your product stockpile! When you spend the past couple of years thinking about your “why” you (me) discover a lot of helpful information. I just moved the stockpile into the pie cooler last week. Much better.
Lily Lau says
Now that you say it it’s quite reasonable, now I understand you. Hopefully we’ll never need perfume to overcome a unemployment situation!
Michelle says
Can you imagine looking for jobs and you can’t groom yourself so that you can feel your best. Some people aren’t into perfume. Whatever it is that you do (hair color, etc) then, that should be the thing that you get a gift card for that doesn’t expire and plan ahead.
Tre says
I never thought of adding that stuff to a stockpile, bit it’s a good idea. No reason to smell bad when you are stuck in with a blizzard.
Michelle says
There is nothing better than feeling good, smelling good, and feeling like you are put together well. There’s nothing worse than smelling bad.
The Asian Pear says
I understand stockpiling most of the items, I do it too but on a smaller scale as now I’m cutting back. Doesn’t the perfume go bad though? I find that the scent changes or weakens. (Or I find that I’m just not into the scent anymore.)
Michelle says
The perfume is fine! I just don’t open what I’m not using ๐