It is now a few days after the official start of spring. I, like most people, have begun my annual spring cleaning process and it has taken on a different tone than in previous years. What has changed? I have the time to dig deeper into the few remaining (and persistent) spots of clutter in my home and finally get rid of them.
I have just had over 300 items large and small picked up by Salvation Army and my home feels lighter. In fact, everything in my life feels lighter. As I organize and eliminate unnecessary items that have settled into my home like unwanted guests, I feel so excited for these things to be gone. The feeling is almost how I imagine getting rid of debt. A lightness. And that’s coming up next. Here are a few thoughts on dealing with clutter.
- Time-You need to have time to manage this process. If you’re super busy this is challenging. Just do what you.
- Scope-Start small. I started small last year-yes, last year! It has taken that long to slowly but surely eliminate all of the insidious places my clutter and unnecessary objects seemed to hang out.
- Incessant Clutter-Might be a sing that there is something else going on in your life that you might not be dealing with. Take time to focus figure out if that is an issue. Is it time related? Self -esteem related? Or, are you avoiding something?
- If you’re single-It’s ok to enlist help!
- If you’re in a couple-You and your person might have totally different issues that you may or may not be dealing with. Take time to identify what’s really going on. This may include going to a professional to talk about what’s going on
In case you’re wondering here is a list of some of the projects that I’ve undertaken in the past year.
- Drawers-I went every single drawer that I have and emptied them out.
- Clothes-I got rid of all of my clothes that I don’t wear or need.
- Home Cleaning Supplies-I consolidated what I have and am actively using up all of my supplies before purchasing new ones.
- Boxes-I had a number of decorative storage boxes with PAPER in them. Some papers were important…most weren’t.
- Boxes II-Boxes that held my electronics. I had kept boxes for old modems (with modems and cords in them) My laptop box…for the laptop that I purchased 3 years ago. Clearly, it is in my large bag that I carry everyday. The box that held my VCR. You get the idea. All of those boxes had to go.
- Dishes-I had a lot of plastic containers that I had dedicated for my lunches. The thing is, I had also purchased nice glass containers for lunch because I didn’t want to use plastic anymore. I got rid of the plastic containers.
- Bags o’ Stuff-You know when you get a little distracted and put papers in a bag to organize…Later. You know, that famous later…that never seem to happen. I still have a couple of bags to go through, but I’m in the home stretch.
- Paper-What the HECK is the deal with paper??!! I’ve even switched most of bills to paperless billing. I still am working through the paper. It’s a lot better now. But, I can’t wait to be done with this part of the project.
- People-huh?! Actually, I happily am not needing to pair down my people. I am very, very blessed that I have a wonderful group of friends that I’ve known for a very long time who have been super patient with me. I am in the process of focusing on these long-neglected friendships and prioritizing time with my friends. I really missed them! The thing is, I could find that I’ve been cut because of what happens when you don’t “show up.” I’m prepared for this possibility and will roll with it. I thought it was important to include people because the people you surround yourself with are the ones who help cultivate and grown the dreams that you have. You may want to consider this as you go through the declutter process.
- Unfinished Projects-I have a couple of unfinished projects that need to get done. I have set the third week of April to get ‘er done or get rid of the project.
- Kitchen Pantry-I go through the pantry twice a year to get rid of any food items that have expired or that I won’t use. If the food is still good I will donate it.
I’ve really embraced the final stages of this year long declutter process. My process is also signaling something deeper. I am embracing a deeper level of minimalism in my life. I want to create literal and metaphorical space for new energy and things to come into my life. I feel free in a way that I haven’t in a long time.
Are You Decluttering Right Now? What’s Your Process? How Do You Feel After A Deep Clean?
At least I don’t have a magazine collection!
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Kirsten says
Hello!!! That paper. Why is it everywhere?! And magazine collection…. When we moved into a house in Texas (after two apartments and a house in Tennessee), I pointed my husband toward a huge box of magazines he’d been saving and told him I wasn’t paying to move it around one more time. That he needed to go through and safe just the article he wanted. He looked through hundreds of magazines and couldn’t remember why he’d kept any of them. Not one!!!
Michelle says
I am so glad that I don’t have a magazine collection. It’s actually surprising that I don’t, because I have a slight magazine obsession. Luckily, I broke that obsession by checking them out at the library. Now, I just have to deal with the paper. Sigh.
Holly@ClubThrifty says
Our neighborhood garage sale is May 2nd so I’ve been going through the house and finding stuff to sell for a few weeks now. Most of the stuff I am getting rid of is my kid’s stuff, but it still feels good. They grow out of toys and clothes so often that their stuff can be a garage sale on its own!
Michelle says
I am loving how airy my place feels without all of the extra stuff.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach says
I feel great after a deep…..clean. 🙂 I’m going to do a lot more organizing when I get back from my trip. I reading Jack Canfield’s book on success, he suggest having a weekend to get rid of all those minor annoyances around the house which keep your mind cluttered and unfocused. Stuff like loose drawer handles, squeaky cupboards, etc, Just get those stupid things out of the way!
Michelle says
I am enjoying this specific round of cleaning even more than I have in many years…probably because stuff is actually getting done for once.
Ashlee says
My drawers are in desperate need of a clean out! I also have a cabinet where I keep shopping bags like those big Old Navy bags, etc. Why in the world do I think I need those?!? TRASH ASAP! 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration lady!
Michelle says
Now I need you ladies to motivate me to get that stupid paper pile done. You can do it!
Anne - Money Propeller says
Ugh, there are so many areas that I want to declutter right now! Thankfully I have been making some progress, but, like you said, I need to start with a small focus. My dream would be to go through my entire storage locker, eep! I made it through all of my clothing bins and part of the kitchen, which has been fantastic. I also made it through most of my jewelry. (Super awesome DIY jewelry rack post coming, after I get it all written up!)
Slowly, slowly!
Michelle says
I think that I’m so over having this clutter that I try to do too many things at once and then get overwhelmed. Then, I quit! This time my declutter process worked because I did it with the slow but steady approach.
Roz says
I had to declutter after an attack of bed bugs [from the neighbor next door]. It was a real eye opener towards the value of stuff. I’m still conteplating getting rid of more clothes, since almost all the furniture is gone.
Michelle says
Bed bugs are a huge problem! I am sorry that you had to deal with this. At this point, things are super paired down in my place because it’s too small to have a lot of stuff.
SarahN says
My biggest issue comes with the ‘how’ to getting rid of clutter. There’s a box I have, and it never gets empty, currently it has
– a CD or two (these should go a place that recycles them in N Sydney)
– pantyhose (good for tying plants or cleaning – I should put them with other cleaning things!)
– two pairs of holey jeans (someone on freecycle wanted them for craft way back so… I should be crafty?!)
– cables (well, these are for gosh knows what and what if the BF needs them?)
– lumpy pillow/s (these *should* go to an animal shelter, but it’s so out of the way)
This is from memory, tomorrow I plan to sit with the box, and make a plan for all items to GO!
Things I’d like to declutter, but can’t, cause they aren’t mine:
– out of date gaming console (XBox)
– second vacuum (his ideally)
– a picnic basket (I’d rather own a blanket before a basket!)
Michelle says
Ok, this is a great question…it actually seems like the items in the storage box aren’t that many. Why not start slow and just get rid of the pillows and the CDs? Move the pantyhose (never heard of using them for cleaning! Cool) Cables go to wherever the CDs are going. Just ask him to get rid of one thing. And he has to be the one to make the decision. Probably the vacuum…Good luck!
No Nonsense Landlord says
I am in the process of de-cluttering myself. As you get older, you not only have more ‘stuff’, but it is more sentimental. As you start to look at things, you realize after you go, someone will just throw it out. You might as well get rid of it in a manner so you do not leave someone else with the task of getting tossing out your formerly prized possessions.
Michelle says
It’s so interesting because I don’t have a lot of furniture but there seemed to be a lot of decorative boxes that stored…things! I keep almost all of my letters, stuff from high school, elementary school but I’ve even paired down that stuff so it’s easy to manage. My Grandma has way too much stuff imho and you know what she said about it? Just what you said “You can throw it out when I’m gone!” LOL.
Kayla @ Everything Finance says
I feel like I am always decluttering. Even after your decluttering project is done, you have to be diligent to not allow new clutter to come into your home and if it does sneak past you, you have to be willing to weed it back out again. Sometimes clutter changes too. What wasn’t clutter when you went through your belongings this year might be clutter next year because of difference life circumstances, etc. 🙂
Michelle says
I have that final project that I’m hedging on because…it will take time! LOL! I hate looking at it though because everything else is so well organized. It’s time to kick that clutter out the door. Very good point about how clutter can change. I think I will avoid that for now 🙂
Chela @SmashOdyssey says
I´ve moved quite a few times in the last few years, and every time I move, it´s great to only pack up the things I really need and really want to take with me to my new place. What´s bad is that the rest of the stuff, I pack it up and take it to my mom´s house. What used to be my bedroom is now all storage for my old stuff that I haven´t touched or looked at in years. Hello! Godbless her for keeping it, but I really need to get around to getting rid of it all–for her sake and for mine!
Michelle says
Thanks Mom!! I have paired things down substantially and so I’ve cut down the need for storage. I just need to manage that stupid paper pile which is driving me crazy. The weird thing is that with each thing that I get rid of I feel so light and I feel so free. It’s pretty awesome.