It is a ridiculously balmy day in Colorado when I set out to finish a project that I've been working on for awhile. In fact, it's actually the day before Thanksgiving and I'm sitting in a car about to …
This election season was a doozy. One of the things that I didn't realize until recently was that the vitriol, uncertainty, and sheer insanity of this cycle's process triggered both extra eating and …
Breathe, Focus, and Prepare
I am a notoriously glass half-full person. I have a ridiculous amount of optimism and a boundless amount of faith. So, when I say that I'm pessimistic about something, or can't imagine a good …
Election Fatigue and Please Vote
I'm exhausted. As a citizen in a swing state, I've been inundated with constant commercials about all things the Presidential (and local) election. This has been going on for over a year and I'm …
The Power of Hustling!
Today I'm happy to share a guest post! Pauline is a personal finance blogger who left the 9-5 seven years ago to live life on her own terms. She is currently based in sunny Guatemala, where she runs a …
Does My Minimalism Make You Uncomfortable?
In the past couple of years, I've noticed an interesting trend happening in my life and I thought it was worth spending sharing with my readers. Basically, it's this, the less I consume and collect …
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