If you’re looking for some guidance on what to do with your student loans and you need an outside perspective on what your options are, Student Loan Planner may be the resource for you. Schedule a …
A Lawyer Thinks We Should Abolish Undergrad-Here’s Why
Welcome to Michelle is Money Hungry, a podcast that has real and empathetic conversations that often focus on the intersection of policy and the financial conversations we’re afraid to have. I’m your …
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What a Student Loan Lawyer Thinks About Student Loan Forgiveness
“Most of my clients come to me when they have had these loans for at least 10 years or more. They may be in a better financial situation and are trying to figure out what they actually need to do now. …
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Why the Debt Payoff King Is Not Pro Student Loan Forgiveness
In today’s episode I speak with Howard Dvorkin, CEO of Debt.com. It was very important for me to speak with guests who expressed concerns about the proposed student loan forgiveness program. Remember …
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Side-Hustle: How to Become a TikTok Virtual Assistant
To do social media well, there is a certain amount of time that has to be allotted to it. TikTok isn't just recording videos and randomly posting them. There's a lot that goes into growing and …
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Virtual Assistant for Online Communities Hosted On or Off Facebook
There may be a point when a content creator decides to grow an online community. Here's the thing, running those communities can be a very lucrative endeavor, but they can also be a lot of work to run …
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