Right before the end of each year, I begin my frantic search for the perfect planner for my needs. For the past four years, my planners just were a little off. They were either too small, too big, …
7 Powerful Ways Meghan Markle Set Personal Boundaries From Toxic People
Yes, I was one of the millions of people who stayed up all night long to watch Meghan Markle marry Prince Harry. And, I even work a fascinator a leftover from one of the many times I attended the …
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Will 2020 Be A Breakthrough Year?
If you caught the last episode of the Michelle is Money Podcast for the 2019 season, I said that the year landed solidly in the middle. It wasn't a great year, it wasn't awful. It was just a solid, ok …
2019: Year in Review
As I embrace my end of year social media and news fast, I'm left with one thought-2019 was so...extra. Crazy politics, crazy people, crazy weather and more. Personally, this year has been a humbling …
32 Not so Difficult Ways to Make Money Online Without Blogging About Blogging
It's amazing to me to think that I've been blogging since 2012. It's actually something that I continue to enjoy and I imagine that I will continue running blogs for the next couple of years. When I …
How to Become a Non-Fiction Writer
Have you heard of the Art Basel show in Miami? It recently made headlines for a piece of artwork that sold for $120,000. What was it? It was a banana taped to the wall with duck tape. And, no, the …