4-6 Tomatillos 1 small White Onion at least 3 cloves of Garlic 1 Jalapeño (or, to your taste) 1 large Serrano Pepper Cilantro juice of 1 lime 1/8-1/4 cup of Olive oil salt (to taste) Yum Broil all …
Today’s my birthday!
Some people hate their birthday, I don't. Similar to New Year's Eve, I use the day to take stock, reflect on what makes me unhappy, and what makes me happy. I think about all of the goals that I set, …
How volunteering can get you into some really cool events!
So, as you know I am trying to save money and pay off my debts! But, I don't want to stop enjoying life along the way. And quite honestly, while there are tons of fun free things to do, I still might …
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Reflections on violence in a good place
I love being from Colorado. I grew up here, in the cities of Boulder and Denver. It is like most places, filled with good people, living their lives trying to be happy. Conversations about hiking over …
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So, I spent more money this weekend than expected
Summer is tricky for me because it is (like most people) my prime going out time. No, I'm not clubbing. But, I am participating in scavenger hunts, lovely multiple course dinners, lingering at coffee …
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I love the big blue bear..who just happens to be in Denver
I have tried to take care of this debt before. I have also had grand plans before-travel to do, businesses to start, dating to be enjoyed, weight to be lost. There are moments where these things seem …
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