Last fall I was half-heartedly excited about shopping my closet. I mean come on, I named my blog "The Shop My Closet Project." And while the name was to encourage myself and my readers to use what …
Vegan Challenge 2013
For the past couple of months I have been prepping for for a vegan challenge. It's kind of weird that I would want to do one because I love eating good quality meat, cheese, and don't enjoy …
Youtube is your makeover friend
Recently I decided that I needed to freshen up my look. Clothes and fashion comes pretty easily to me, but makeup doesn't. So, what's a girl to do? Turn to youtube! Youtube is a nervous fashionista's …
A New Year’s resolution is just a goal wrapped in a different word
A New Year's Resolution is just a goal wrapped in a different word. When one asks a friend what are your New Year's Resolutions? Your friends will typically say: I want to lose weight, find love, get …
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Personal Goals 2013-It’s going to be a good year!
Every year I have a list of goals for the different parts of my life: love, family and friends, fitness, personal development, travel, random,and of course personal finance. If I meet half of my …
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It’s getting real-Financial Goals for 2013
It's that time of year again, when we review the year that is ending. We look at our weight loss goals. If we met someone, did we move, did we get that job that we had been hoping for? Then, after we …
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