My First GUEST POST!! And my first PODCAST Interview!
Lovely Peeps, Today, February 20, 2013 I have a guest post on the amazing http://budgetandthebeach.com/. Budget and the Beach is one of my favorite personal finance writers. Her sense of humor and …
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My Student Loans are like Godzilla-trying to ruin my life!
I have some student loans. Enough that up until a few years ago I would lose sleep over it because I couldn't wrap my head around two things: how could I have been so oblivious and stupid!? The other …
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Why I hate the phrase “If you had…” when talking about personal finance
Have you ever been in the middle of reading an article about savings and the following sentence catches your eye, "If you had saved $2000 since age 18 you would have a million dollars by the time you …
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Addicted to Love and Secular Lent
I love to read. I started reading when I was really little around 3 or 4 years old. My love of reading encompasses the following genres: Sci-fi, cookbooks, books about money, history, cultural, …
Dear Mr. Postman,
For the last few years I've noticed that the U.S. Postal Service has been having some difficulties. With the introduction of the internet people have embraced online banking, e-filing, and basically …