I am currently in London for a wedding. No, I wouldn't fly over the ocean just for anyone but for this friend who has visited me several times in the U.S. there was no way I wouldn't fly over for this …
Dreams don’t have a shelf-life
I am in London right now celebrating one of me dearest friend's (sister's) upcoming nuptials. She and her fiancé are speaking loudly...read (about to argue) about the sitting arrangements for their …
My Life Soundtrack-London Calling Edition
Hi Everyone, I'm going to London tomorrow for a wedding! I have been given the honor of being a bridesmaid for a friend who is basically like my sister. I would love to have a Guest Post during …
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Mr. James Phillip-Tries to continue the scam
So, a few weeks ago I mentioned that I almost fell for a pretty well orchestrated scam on Craigslist. Check out the previous post: James Phillip tried to scam me. This week I am writing a follow-up to …
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I’m using my sh$t April and other random stuff!
First-A HUGE Thank you to the Debt Free Divas and all of the wonderful people who participated in the Shop My Closet Project Challenge. I hope you saved money, had fun, and started to think …
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Link Love Done with April Edition
1.) Budget and the Beach-Do I need an emergency fund? One cat's dilemma. I don't love cats and am highly allergic to them. Which tells you how much I liked this post. It's hilarious and Pepe has a …