I've worked a lot of jobs. The typical part-time jobs that teens work, the jobs you work in college, jobs during my finding myself stage, and my "real-life" job. When I was in graduate school I had …
724 Reasons Why I love Colorado-Reason #1 It’s My Home
Mama and calf-sculptures outside of the Denver Art Museum (DAM) When my parents married my dad went directly into the military. For the first 6 1/2 years of my life we moved to different …
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Without Health There is No Wealth
My pic-South Beach Miami. I love this place. I was a bridesmaid in May. It may be the only time I receive this honor and it was AMAZING. The only teeny, tiny fly in the ointment was the fact that I …
What is a Community Garden? I have one and you should too!
Today I went to my garden (across town!) and picked fresh arugula. It was arugula that I grew myself. I have to admit it is an amazing feeling cultivating your own food. I am on a quest to learn how …
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If you want to create room for something new-clean like you’re about to move!
***I'm a little tired tonight. Forgive me if I rambled*** In some of my earlier posts I've mentioned the fact that I've worked the same job since 2004 and that I've lived in the same home since 2007. …
I think I’m afraid of becoming debt free
When I was 17 years old I graduated from high school and went on my own to college. I took the train by myself with a couple of suitcases and a steamer trunk of stuff. I stopped in Illinois for a …
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