Happy Friday Everyone! I had the wonderful opportunity to write for Kara at Fabulous and Frugal. Please check out my post where I discuss how our actions are a reflection of how we show ourselves …
Don’t hate, Tuesday was GREAT!
I've mentioned before that I'm feeling a bit frustrated with my current job situation. Let me be very clear-I work with great people, it is a great position, and I get to do fun things. There are two …
Saving for something that isn’t even a glimmer in my eye or Setting an intention
A few weeks ago I wrote a post called: The Law of Attraction and Personal Finance Bloggers. Basically, in that post I talked about the fact that it isn't a coincidence that PF bloggers for the most …
I hit the wall this week…the wall won!
I have six weeks of blog ideas prepped, so why is it that I don't like any of them for this week? And, I also happen to be pretty freaking tired! So, I am going to respect that I need some down time …
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My Life’s Soundtrack-Crazy Rain, It feels like fall, and I’m too tired to blog Wednesday
Check out my staff post at L Bee and the Money Tree! I talk about making money using Craigslist! The weather has been a little...strange lately in Denver. We are in what is called the "Monsoon" …
Frivolous Spending, Super Poo, and Debt Repayment…A few thoughts about the road to Debt Freedom
For those of you who are new to my blog, you might not know that I am on a serious mission to repay my debt. I stopped shopping, am using up my sh$t, bring my lunch to work, make my coffee at work, …