In Part I I talked about the fact that I actually want to work for myself. I find this super frightening, scary, and invigorating. The idea of this makes me feel so ALIVE, ALIVE, ALIVE. In a way that …
Emergency funds, floods, and fear!
The thing about the crazy rain was that it had been happening for awhile. August was a series of deluges where the rain just didn't seem to stop. It was as if a faucet had been turned on and someone …
One Month until FinCon13! So excited!
My journey into blogging was a series of stops and starts. I would start blogging...then stop because it was too hard, too intense, too much. Any one who tells you that blogging is an easy thing to do …
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This is the kind of love that I want!
Check out part of my post at It Started With Lip Gloss. The other day I was watching the news when I saw a beautiful vignette about a man and his wife. This man is 77 years old and his wife was …
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Let’s be honest! I don’t want to work for someone else. I want to work for myself! Part I
About a week ago Tony from Budget and the Beach wrote a post called "Why I stopped looking for a full-time job." In it she basically talks about how her search for a full-time job had come to a halt …
Send Colorado your money! Not a time to be coy…
The state of Colorado experienced rain that was called "Biblical" in nature. We basically received a year's worth of rain in 2 or 3 days. On top of this Colorado is fairly dry and has been on fire …
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