***Forgive me, but this will be a long post :) There are a lot of pictures that may be slow to load on your phone. All pictures were taken by me with my MacGyvered Camera*** In the past two weeks I …
Liebster Award
Tonya from Budget and the Beach nominated me for a Leibster Award! What does Liebster mean? It has German origins – the word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, …
Black Friday Debt Payoff Challenge!
This summer I was making some good progress towards debt repayment. I had paid off two cards and was well into changing some negative habits. I had begun a year long No Shopping Challenge, was …
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On It Started With Lip Gloss..
I am actively dating right now trying to find "the One." I have slowly begun to enjoy meeting all of the wonderful people who are out there looking for companionship. A few weeks ago I briefly wrote …
Personal Finance Blogger Hell-Never achieving my financial goals
There is a blog that I read from time to time and have read for the past year or so. Each time I check out a post, I'm hoping and praying that things have begun to turn around for this blogger. They …
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Medical Debt Infographic-Enjoy!
After an incredible weekend spent at FinCon13, I'm exhausted! Luckily I was contacted by Marcela Dev Vivo a few weeks ago who kindly asked if she could share an infographic with my readers. I said …