Every once in awhile I write a post that is specifically focused on how people present themselves to the world. And, as we transition from what I’ve been told has been a hellish winter to spring I feel it’s time to bring up this topic again.
Let’s Talk Hoodies
I basically hate hoodies as everyday wear outside of the home/hiking/or exercise. Basically, I am sick of seeing people in hoodies as everyday wear. In fact, today I was waiting for the bus and I couldn’t get over how many people basically looked like crap.
Now, I don’t mind that people dress casually-my uncle is a regular guy who wears immaculate white tennis shoes, ironed shirts, and jeans. He wears casual clothes, but I believe that when he woke up in the morning that he actually cared about how he would present himself to the world because it’s obvious he has put some thought into what he is wearing.
I know that hoodies are easy, and that they are comfortable-in fact, I am wearing one as I type this post. But, when I go outside and present myself to the world I am aware of the message that I’m sending. I take the time to pull myself together. Even during my depressed years when I was wearing muted colors-at least I matched my clothes and ironed what I was wearing and sprayed some perfume on so I would smell good.
The Message Your Clothes Can Tell
- You’re self-confident
- You care about how you present yourself
- You give a sh$t about your appearance
- You are motivated and open to new opportunities
- You’re depressed
- You don’t like how you look
- You’ve given up
As I move further into freelancing life I am spending more time observing people because I have the time to do that. After years of hearing people complain about things not going well in their lives I’ve got to ask the following question:
Have You Looked At Yourselves Lately?
It’s not the President’s fault, the economy, or your mother-in-law’s fault that your life isn’t going the way you want it to. Sometimes the reason why your life isn’t working the way you want it to is what’s reflected in the mirror.
People might make fun of hipsters but at least I know that they have a cultivated look that they spend time thinking about and putting together (even though some of them can get a bit grungy too).
Every time you step outside your home, you’re presented with endless opportunities. To meet the love of your life, to make a business connection, or to make a new friend.
I guess what I’m trying to figure out is how are opportunities supposed to come to you if you consistently send messages to the universe to overlook you, that you don’t care, that you’re not good enough?
When I travel to other countries I am embarrassed by how badly Americans currently present themselves. In fact, Americans are consistently the worst dressed people I’ve seen around the world. Ironically, we usually have TONS of clothes. If you go to the average woman’s closet you will see a mountain of clothing. This doesn’t make sense to me, how can we own so many clothes and look so bad. People looked so good before-what happened?
I know that things have been rough in the past 10 years, but you need to pull yourselves together. And for every person who looks crazy-there are those of us taking your opportunities because we are prepared everyday to attract good things.
I am not against casual dress, but I am against not caring. There’s no excuse for it in a country with water, soap, and a ridiculous amount of dental care.
If your entire wardrobe is super casual, I would ask you to take a moment to rethink the way you’re presenting yourself to the world.
Because I dress nicely on daily basis I’ve met new people, am flirted with, get free things, told about business opportunities, and feel pretty good about myself.
So, I would like to ask you to take a minute and honestly consider how you present yourself to the world. Ask a kind friend who can give a loving critic-but, usually most people don’t need that.
I do think that we’re at a turning point because I am noticing that when people look nice-they look REALLY good. And I love that.
Part of why I share stories about Magical Goodwill and my shop your closet look book is to encourage people to look their best for as little money as possible.
And, Let’s Talk Pajamas
WTH-Why do I even have to ask you why you’re walking around in your pajamas outside your house? That’s crazy. Especially those flannel pants that are obviously pajamas. If you’re old enough to dress yourself-you know better and I shouldn’t have to bring this up.
And why do your kids look like models? And you look like crap? This doesn’t make sense to me. Just saying.
There are many things that are out of our control: racism, sexism, ageism, and the list goes on. But, what we put on our bodies, and how we groom ourselves is within our control.
Are You Tired Of Seeing Hoodies and Saggy Pants? Have You Thought About How You Present Yourself?
Am I loosing it?!
**Very casual look-she still looks like she cared when she woke up in the morning…if with those rips in her jeans**
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I do not think hoodies are a representation of dressing bad and not putting your best self out there, unless that is people think I’m a huge slob because I wear hoodies all the time. But they fit within this culture I live in. While they aren’t ripped and stained, they are very casual. If people want to think badly about me because of that, so be it. It’s not the clothes that are making me confident…it’s what’s on the inside. If you are confident enough you can rock anything.
I also believe that you can rock anything. But, I am tired of seeing adults at work wearing hoodies. Or, obviously looking like they didn’t care about how they stepped outside. I’m also tired of people looking stained and ripped, it’s not ok. Of course it’s all about what’s on the “inside.” But, I’m not the only one wondering what’s going on with people. I’ve read other posts about how people aren’t grooming themselves and wondering what’s going on.
I live in a very casual state too-but there’s casual and not caring. I fear that the line is blurring. Also, Tonya you are actively on the beach almost every single day doing athletic stuff-which was in my exceptions of when it’s legit to wear hoodies. It would make no sense for you to wear heels and pearls to the beach 🙂
Amen MIchelle. I am 100% in agreement with you. As Moe said to Curly (or Larry?) “where’s your dignity?”
I know it’s not a popular stance-but I don’t really care. I make a point of looking my best every day. I have a lot of people who suffered a of of indignities in order for me to live the life that I do. I owe it to them, and I owe it to myself.
Agreed! I try to put at least a little effort into my appearance, even on the weekend when I’m just running errands, etc. I don’t always succeed, but for the most part I don’t just go out looking like total poo.
POOOO!!! People are looking like POOO!! It makes me crazy…and a little sad to see it 🙁 Now, in the coffee shop I’m currently in people look fantastic! They aren’t dressed up, but their shirts are ironed, nice sunglasses, they are wearing jeans. But, they look good and I think because they look good they feel good about themselves. It kind of oozes off them (self-confidence).
Ummm, what happened to judging by the content of someone´s character and not by the… clothes they´re wearing?? Not judging a book by it´s cover and all that?? No?? We assume that if their clothes are wrinkled then they don´t care, have given up on life, are depressed, etc… Really?? Really?? Hahaha… oooookay then.
Dr. King wore suits. Just saying! I do believe in judging by the content of someone’s character. But, what I am seeing goes beyond being wrinkled. I’m talking a large number of people who just look like they’ve stopped trying. And, I’ve seen other people writing posts about this as well. I should be clear and say that I don’t mind that people are casual-I do mind not caring about yourself. It’s gotten so bad that it freaks me out. People may say that it’s not a big deal..but, I have to ask myself what’s going on with people? We’re not in a Zombie film or re-enacting Mad Max. It honestly makes me sad. And they don’t seem happy.
I love hoodies. Not ashamed of it (and I’m a perennially cold person as well).
That said it’s definitely hard to make the effort to look the part when you’re struggling with depression. For me, a combo of coming out of that + moving house/purging + bad eczema flareup all at once has really made me wake up and realise I need to overhaul my grownup wardrobe and get a lot of better quality garments – less of those cheap gross synthetic fabrics.
I love that you “own your hoodie love!” I am also always cold. I feel like we might be tweensies. I just want people to feel good when they walk out the door. I love to people watch and a lot of people just don’t seem like they feel comfortable or happy in their clothes/lives? I’ve gone through the depression outfits (no hoodies) but definitely I wasn’t looking my best. And, I didn’t feel my best. I am actively walking out the door looking my best and I feel it!! I hope that things are smoothing out and I can’t wait to see your pictures after you get back from Japan (I lived there when I was little and went back as an adult) but I would like to spend more time there.
Yes, Cameron and Jennifer have a simple but put together style which many consider “Classic American”. I’m not asking people to walk around in ballgowns and wearing a nice pair of jeans everyday is perfectly fin with me! I just want to get the sense that when that person woke up in the morning-they tried! And, I’ve come across a number of people where I’m getting the opposite feeling. If I’m getting that feeling then maybe other people who could make a difference in that person’s life are also getting that feeling. I just want people to look and feel their best.